
Investor FAQ

  1. Where is Gyre’s corporate headquarters?

    12770 High Bluff Drive Suite 150
    San Diego, CA 92130

  2. When and where was Gyre incorporated?
    Gyre Therapeutics, Inc. was incorporated in the state of Delaware on 1997.
  3. On which exchange is Gyre listed, what is the ticker symbol, when did Gyre become a publicly traded company?
    Gyre’s stock is traded on The NASDAQ Market under the symbol GYRE. The company’s shares began trading on October 31, 2023
  4. Who is Gyre's transfer agent?

    American Stock Transfer & Trust Company
    6201 15th Avenue
    Brooklyn, NY 11219

  5. What is Gyre's CUSIP number?
    403783 103
  6. How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate?

    Please contact our transfer agent:
    American Stock Transfer & Trust Company
    6201 15th Avenue
    Brooklyn, NY 11219

  7. If my address changes, whom should I notify?
    You must send both your old and new addresses to our transfer agent, American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, by U.S. mail. Each stockholder in question must sign the request for an address change.

GNI Group, Ltd. (2160:Tokyo) (“GNI Japan”) holds an indirect, controlling interest in Gyre Therapeutics, Inc. From time to time, GNI Japan will disclose historical and forward looking information, which will include information about our business. We may not have previously disclosed such information. Please refer to for GNI Japan’s Investor Information and Securities Reports.